Choosing Your Wedding Party

Photograph Courtesy of Clover and Slate Photography

We know how it goes, you get engaged and then ALL the wheels start turning. From engagement photos and venues to the wedding party, all the ideas become top priority. Choosing people to be in your wedding party is an important task and not something to be taken lightly. We like to think of these people as your PARTY! They are responsible for celebrating you throughout the whole process of wedding planning and leading up to your day.

Photograph Courtesy of Linsey Yeagley Photo

Here are a few things to take into consideration when choosing your people.

  1. What Do You Expect From Them?

The expectations for your wedding party are important for a number of reasons. If you expect them to be at every event leading up to the wedding, planning certain events, and being involved with all of the details then we recommend choosing people who are local to you. It would be hard for someone who lives far away to make it to all of these and support you throughout the planning process. Another reason we suggest you determine your expectations prior to choosing your people is to help narrow down who you should choose. Yes, your high school best friend is a great person; however, if she is extremely flaky then you may be disappointed.

We also suggest that you are transparent with those you ask to be part of your wedding party about your expectations that way they can determine if it is something they are able to commit to. Everyone is in a different situation and some may not be able to meet your expectations. Everyone wants to make sure that this time is about you. Understanding what you need from them helps to make sure that you have people around who will meet your expectations.

2. What Is Your Budget?

Your budget determines almost everything related to your wedding. In order to stick to a smaller budget, the key is sticking to a low guest list. This is relevant because you do not want a wedding party of 14 if there are only 50 guests at your wedding. It may look odd if half of your guests are up at the altar with you. Another reason to consider your budget is if you are doing wedding party proposal boxes, wedding party gifts, or planning to pay for the attire for your wedding party. These costs add up fast and the larger your group, the larger the expense. Not saying that it is not worth it, these are just things to keep in mind!

3. Think About How These People Make You Feel!

After all, they are your wedding PARTY! We truly believe that so much of the day’s energy comes from the wedding party. A group who jokes makes the rehearsal so entertaining! A group that loves to dance keeps the party energized all night long! They are with you leading up to it and the whole day of your wedding. Choose people who make you feel good when you’re together.

This is also so important for minimizing drama throughout. We’ve heard and seen firsthand what the wrong people can do to the day. We suggest really thinking through who you want in your wedding. Who has been there to make hard times better? Who is calm, relaxed, and responsible to help put out fires so you can focus on getting married!


Surrounding yourself with the right people is important. Surrounding yourself with the right people on your wedding day is even more important!


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