What You Actually Mean By“Cheap” and “Reasonable” Vendors

Today is a short one, just like we hope your week is! Recently while exploring the numerous facebooks groups we belong to, we came across an interesting post from a caterer who addressed something that all wedding vendors can relate to. This is something that is often a topic we discuss as a team. Couples post in search of “cheap” and “reasonable” vendors. What does this actually mean?

We do not think that you actually mean you want a cheap vendor. You are looking for someone in your budget. Weddings are expensive and everyone has a different budget. There is nothing wrong with that! In all honesty, if a vendor is way below the average cost for that type vendor in your area it should be a red flag. They may not be professional. There is a lot that goes into being a professional in the wedding industry, being insured, having work flows, and having an actual business. You are going to want someone with all of these in the event that something happens at your wedding. You do not want to be the one responsible. That being said, these professionals do not fall under the “cheap” category.

As far as reasonable goes, this is how we make our livings! We are all reasonable! Again, you are looking for someone within your budget. We all have bills to pay and families to support. We’re just lucky that we get to this, its what we are good at! Always remember you get what you pay for! Someone who does this on the side might be on the lower end of the average. They may not be professionals though.

As you move forward with your vendor searches and wedding planning, it would be more helpful for everyone if you asked for someone within your budget!


Jumping Into June Weddings


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